이곳은 주권자 국민이 자유민주주의를 파괴하는 부패와 불합리를 비사법적 수단으로 시정하는 활동공간이다. 시민들이 자유민주체제수호를 위한 행동에 나서지 않는다면 조만간 전체주의, 공산독재치하에서 신음하는 끔찍한 날이 올 수 있다. 민주주의의 허울을 쓴 법치파괴세력의 교묘한 공작에 맞서 시민들이 철저한 연구와 준비를 거쳐 청원, 민원등 다양한 수단으로 반헌법세력, 반대한민국세력의 불의를 타파하고 활동사례의 축적과 평가를 통해 정의와 상식을 수호함으로써 자유민주적 기본질서를 공고히 한다.
청원/청구 | 입법청원, 명령청원, 규칙청원, 조례청원, 입법의견서, 입법예고의견서, 명령의견서, 규칙의견서, 공동발의안, 의견청원, 행정심판청구, 정보공개청구, 감사청구, 조사요청, 행정처분 요구 등 다양한 권리행사를 통하여 정의를 추구한다. |
민원 | - 방송통신심의위원회, 언론중재위원회, 중앙행정기관, 지방자치단체 등 국가기관에 민원제기 - 공정위·권익위 등 공익신고, 인권위 진정, 탄원서 제출, 관계기관 공문발송, 자료발송 등을 통하여 정의를 추구한다. |
[탄원서] 백악관에 탈북선원 강제북송 진상조사 요청 (2020.2.12)
Date : 2021.10.19 |
February 3, 2020 President Donald J. Trump The United States of America The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President, We are Korean civic groups working for defending freedom, democracy, market economy, strong national security, and ROK–U.S. alliance at the forefront of the Korean conservative movement. It is a great privilege to write to you to bring to your attention the grave concerns over the fate of two North Korean fishermen unlawfully repatriated by the South Korean government in November 2019. The Moon Jae-in administration expelled them to North Korea in secret despite their intention to defect to the South, describing them as vicious criminals committing murder of 16 fellow crew members on a squid boat. Unlike the announcement of the Moon Jae-in administration, however, Korean local newspaper Chosunilbo and Liberty Korea Post reported in December, citing North Korean human intelligence from two different sources, that the two fishermen were not murderers but brokers to help people defect on a wooden boat. Also, they have not been executed yet, but investigated in the North Korean state security department. If this is the case, it is urgent for the international community to get involved in efforts to save the two young North Koreans by putting pressure on the North Korean regime. Unfortunately, the Moon Jae-in administration has shown no interest in the North Korean human rights issues whatsoever, but only kept focusing on improving relations with North Korea contrary to public opinion, which led to this tragic repatriation of the two fishermen completely ignoring their human rights. South Korea has welcomed all defectors from North Korea regardless of backgrounds to date until the Moon Jae-in administration coordinated the forcible repatriation of the two fishermen to the North. Under the South Korean Constitution, all North Koreans qualify as South Korean citizens, so the North Korean fishermen defecting to South Korea should have been investigated to receive trial under the South Korean legal system. In fact, their repatriation means almost death under the brutal North Korean dictatorship. The repatriation took place without due process and in violation of domestic and international laws and treaties related to human rights. Mr. President, please have mercy on the two young fishermen and help find out the facts and truth about their story through an investigation. We request your strong leadership to stop inhuman acts both in the communist North Korea and in the pro-communist South Korean Moon Jae-in administration. Please exert influence over North Korea not to carry out execution of the two young men, and warn the Moon Jae-in administration against the violation of human rights. For all potential defectors, including the two defectors seeking freedom but only suffering tormentuous rejection, not to lose hope, please help convey a clear and decisive message from the free world that justice prevails over tyranny. For your information, attached is a summary of accusation against the South Korean government agencies involved in the repatriation. Your humanitarian support for the North Korean defectors will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Korean Conservative Civic Groups: (Address: 3F Jongno B/D, 42 Insadong 5-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea) - National Federation of Liberal Democracy (freedomkorea.net +82-2-733-5678) - Freedom Union (freedomunion.kr +82-2-733-5678) - Freedom College Foundation (fcf.kr +82-2-737-0717) - National Assembly Observers (blog.naver.com/1tree4you +82-10-9089-4013) |